Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wee sleekit, timorous, cowerin. beasties

This - in the line of odd metaphors - sums it all up, really. Now I'll never be President.

Or he'll make the beans with a different sort of mouse, or a less pungent mouse, and say "hey if you liked THOSE mousey beans, you'll dig these mousey beans! Yeah Wow man groovy, we know what you kids dig we are HIP to the SCENE and its all about love baby" but those mousey beans suck and they are nothing like the REAL mousey beans. The problem is that The Man did not put the mouse in the original mousey beans, and he has no idea how the mouse got in there AND he doesn't understand that it doesn't matter, that to attempt to replicate the mousey beans is worse than not doing it in the first place. He needs to find beans with cat, or moosey beans or beans with a Maccle in em. Then he will understand

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