Monday, May 26, 2008

Owls at Noon

There's no-one better than Chris Marker for delving into the maze of what constitutes authenticity and what reveals or obscures intention. This is a found photo, so the intention is all in the selection and the surroundings. Here, we have no surroundings.
I was looking for a picture of happiness (as in the Icelandic girls from 'Sans Soleil') but came upon this, instead.
I don't know whether this face is happy, or anxious. So: it exists on its own terms, cut off from everything, contextless and adrift. Does that diminish its power in any way?
It's about time we started asking these questions again.
Happy Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It's a mistake to reveal your innermost secrets when enemies might be spying, however, those of us of the Moral Cargo Cult know that you MUST reveal these secrets, knowing them to be only the tip of the iceberg and therefore unusable and essentially unknowable. Well, this is my happy place, with the personification of my haggard self and its object of desire. Enough revealed? OK... so which is which? or, which meta universe are we operating inside? or is there even a second sidestep into the representation(s) of the artefact?
See what I mean?
Anyway, all kudos to Rotwang and a good old fashioned Carry On 'phwoor' for Brigitte Schittenhelm, for it is indeed she.
I mean, are you really going to lock horns with me on this battlefield?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Metal fatigue

This is a drawing of 'anger' by a deluded hippy. It fits. So, we are told this is a negative emotion, but only if it becomes ingrown, or veers off and hits an innocent target. yes, US jets are buzzing foreign powers in a habitual attempt to create an 'incident' and excuse for provocation. Well, as in the macro, so in the micro. It's very frustrating being lied to continually and given repeated put-offs, so, beware the great hippy spiral. Coming soon to a supermarket near you.