Thursday, March 27, 2008

War of Houses

We Drink Your Milkshakes!!!!!
No, seriously... it seems the gypsies must be on the move, but this time they are onward and upward per ardua etcetera
Enjoy the Ivied jpeg. It's huge if you click on it!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Warming Hearts

Continuing our far-sighted policy of taking credit for our students' accomplishments - this little trio have just been selected for the Barcelona International Film Festival in June.
This is more like it, let's leave politicking to the politickers, eh?

Monday, March 17, 2008

No Comment

Lost ships in the vanished Sea of Aral, or a metaphor for the American Educational System?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Crossroads - What Is School About?

Click on the blog headline to see the entire Advisory Committee's report.
Remember, these are just recommendations.
Nothing bad will happen unless you go back to sleep.
You might wake up minus one kidney, but don't blame the 'espontaneos', they're only doing what they must.

More excitinger news soon.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Darkness

See the gap produced between China and South Korea. See Japan shine! Come back in thirty years and see if there's been any change. back to where it was just a century ago?
And what if that 150 year window was all we had to broadcast our light to the Universe? What chance some alien race would see it, note it and set out to meet and greet it? This 'window of opportunity' is what so vexes futurologists who are concerned with the problem of contact. But there's another angle to this, too, which doesn't involve UFOs and alien invasions: Which areas are dark now, and which are - as Brecht put it 'standing in the light'? where is all the electricity coming from to power those lights?
The current answer is: oil. Who is drinking whose milkshake?
And what happens when the lights go out?
It may be time to start brushing up on those good old fashioned literacy skills again...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Photogram of the Heart

Phillip Winter was a recurring character in many of Wenders' films. And this bloody winter has been recurring far too long now. Not that I begrudge the cold, or the landscapes, but the absence of sunlight and the obligation to get up at six a.m. is taking its toll. All this despite Barnsley beating Chelsea today.
All those little ice monkeys swinging from tree to tree have finally run out of branches and prepare to plummet like listless squirrels. It looks very much as though our week in New Mexico will have to be postponed for - as Weners again said - that most stupid of reasons: money.
Maybe just go for a walk with the polar bears instead. Because, incredibly, here's yet another topical photo from tha Svalbard Archipelago. Yes, Fishbowl, that one.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wim Wenders Was Right

Getting rid of messy and cumbersome technology is in all our interest, I suppose, and perhaps here lies the future of cinema, though it's been predicted for decades, maybe even since Ancient Times (note caps...)
The question I would ask is this: which headsection was looking at Hilary, and which at Barack?
And what were they listening to?
Click on the headline, as usual, for the full article.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Give Him A Chance!

He's been in power less than a week and already he's become the political football, with H. C. saying she won't speak to him; B.O. saying he will speak with him; and (I think) McCain calling him 'that tyrant'. Give the man a chance to tyrannize, at least! I mean, wot's the bloke done so far? Any purges, putsches or ethnic cleansings? Hmm, thought not. Not yet, say the ever vigilant forces of reason. Then again, they think the best way to get 'us' to vote for HC is to show sleeping kids and ask who we want to answer the phone at 3 am.... well, I'd answer it meself, actually.
Anyway, here's Raul. (not to be confused with thr Real Madrid and Spain footballer, of course)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In From The Cold

Last night, despite threats of incipient inclemency, 80 people turned out for the 'Brittle Bones' show. Once inside, we ignored the weather and enjoyed the fine food, wine, music and company.
A huge shout to everyone who came along - we know who you are!
Many eyes were moist and I admit to tearing up a little when I saw all those old faces and younger ones too, perched on the stairs and having the fine time. Maybe THESE are the good old days? Wouldn't that be a kicker?
The foto is an artist's impression of driving home last night - except not dark.